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life estate 非世襲的終身財產。

life expectancy

But by now , primary social economic structure has been break , when peasants have the impetus to leave the land and change the life estate , they also have the impetus to cast off the status astrict of “ peasant “ , and to be a “ townsman “ 而在今天,原來的社會經濟結構被打破,當農民們有了離開土地、改變生活狀態的沖動的同時,還有另外的要在身份上擺脫“農民”的束縛,做“城市人”的沖動。

A “ life estate “ ( my right to live in a certain house , for example , until i die ) , is a time segment ; so is a three - year lease of a farm or apartment house “終身地產” (如我住在某間房子直到我死的權利)是一個時間部分,對農場或公寓的三年出租也是時間部分。